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Teenage Buddhist Association


The Youth Buddhist Association of Wenshu Monastery is a nonprofit youth Buddhist study group initiated and led by the abbot ZongXing of Wenshu Monastery in Chengdu, under the supervision of Dharma Propagation & Charity Office of Wenshu Temple, with the aim of inheriting the rightcorrect- faith in the Buddhism, as well as sharing the wisdom and joy of the Buddha and improving the quality and character of life.

With the purpose of inheriting the authentic Buddhism and relying on the teaching resources of Konglin Buddhist College, the Buddhist Association provides systematic and secondary guidance for Buddhist law practice for young followers, Buddhist enthusiasts and the general public, along with a common platform for pure and good learning. We also want our students to "learn Buddha happily and live a pleasant life", and to apply the wisdom of Buddhism and Dharma to real life correctly, so as to enhance the studentsundefined realm of life, perfect personality and self-altruism. In the process of inheriting the Buddhaundefineds Dharma, we should carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture actively, purify the hearts of the people, and guide the secular life. In order to promote the construction of civic morality and the cultural awakening of Buddhist believers, we should also implement the national cultural policy of promoting national rejuvenation with cultural consciousness.

Buddhist College News